National Chief has ‘whole bag’ of metaphors, similes and idioms to describe relationship with Liberals

National Chief Perry Bellegarde says he has a ‘whole bag’ of metaphors, similes and idioms to describe the Assembly of First Nations relationship with the federal Liberal government.

Bellegarde is responding to criticism of a statement he made to the Hill Times about the AFN’s perceived coziness with the Liberals [behind paywall], which he described as “like: go to bed, but don’t pull up the covers. That’s how close it should be.”

“Oh, I’ve got a whole bag of them,” Bellegarde told reporters.

“There’s ‘we’re just holding hands right now,’ ’round-dancing, not slow-dancing,’ and my personal favorite, ‘kissing but just a peck on the cheek.'”

Bellegarde vowed to work in a few of the sayings each time he’s asked about the Liberal government in the coming year.