New Indigenous organization really fond of acronyms

A new Indigenous organization is taking the love such groups have for acronyms and pushing it to the limits, Walking Eagle News has learned.

The National Coalition for First Nations, Métis, Inuit, Non-Status Peoples, Communities and Individuals — known popularly as the NCFFNMINSPCAI — was only formed in January in Ottawa but is attempting to stand out through the use of as many acronyms as possible in their work.

“Whether it’s our Helping Indigenous Peoples Through Economic Development and Other Opportunities as They Become Available, which we call HIPTEDOOTBA, the Advocating for the Advancement of Indigenous Peoples across Turtle Island and Beyond Initiative, or AFTAOIPATIABI, we feel that acronyms are integral to our work,” said Margaret Miller, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors (CEOCBD) of the NCFFNMINSPCAI.

“As our people often say, the longer the acronym, the better.”

The new organization is causing quite a stir among Indigenous organizations in Ottawa and across the country.

“I don’t know much about their aims or goals, but man, did you see that acronym?” said a visibly impressed Perry Bellegarde, National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations (AFN).

“I’m actually envious.”

The CEOCBD of the NCFFNMINSPCAI said the group is planning to sign an MOU with the AFN, AMC, MNC, SCO, FSIN, ITK, UBCIC, GoC, COO, UOOIC and NWAC at a date TBD.
