Discomfort has no place in discussions about race, BC families say

March 9, 2018

Families in British Columbia are speaking out after a local school board launched a poster campaign aimed at sparking a conversation about race and privilege.

One poster in particular features a photo of the school district’s superintendent next to her quote that reads: “I have unfairly benefited from the colour of my skin. White privilege is not acceptable.”

That was too much for some.

“It made me feel really uncomfortable and I think I speak for all of us in this neighbourhood when I say that discomfort has no place in discussions about race,” said Lily LeBlanc, a local parent.

“Can’t we just have those kids from the Twilight movies come in for an assembly or something?”

LeBlanc is part of a group that wants to see the posters rejigged to be more acceptable for families she represents.

She told Walking Eagle News that posters should read “Thank goodness “racism” only exists in other parts of the world.”