Hundreds of thousands of Indigenous people are ‘pretty jazzed’ about all the frameworks the federal government is talking about, according to a new report released on Wednesday.
The report, Indigenous People Are Pretty Jazzed About All These New Frameworks, is produced by The Alabaster Institute, an Ottawa-based think-tank.
“Whether it’s the proposed Federal Recognition and Implementation of Indigenous Rights Framework or the newly announced Child First framework, our research show that Indigenous people from coast-to-coast are indeed pretty jazzed about all these new frameworks,” said the report’s author, Helen Zuri.
“In fact, many told us they’ll take frameworks over concrete action any day—also, what’s a framework?”
A spokesperson from the federal government said they’re so pleased with the results of the study that they’re considered signing a warm, congratulatory framework with the Assembly of First Nations, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and the Métis National Council.