In act of penance, Trudeau quietly having every treaty number tattooed on body

October 22, 2018

Telling reporters he needed to show that indeed no relationship was truly more important to him than the one with Indigenous Peoples, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau revealed that for the past few months he’s been getting the treaty number of every First Nations person tattooed on his body.

Treaty numbers, sometimes called status numbers, are the 10-digits issued by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada to each eligible First Nations person in Canada that serve as identification.

“We’ve had a rough few months and I truly believe that our First Nations need to know how much I care about them, so let’s call this penance,” Trudeau said.

“Also, (Cree NDP MP) Romeo Saganash says I don’t give a f*** about Indigenous rights—well, where’s his tattoos?”

A spokesperson from the PMO said that Trudeau is hoping to have all 630,000 treaty numbers finished before the upcoming federal election, sometime in 2019. However, it’s unclear what he plans to do for Métis and Inuit Peoples.