Gleeful AFN staff receive personalized Christmas MOUs from National Chief

MIKE DEAL / WINNIPEG FREE PRESS AFN chief Perry Bellegarde in the News Café for a livestreamed interview with reporter Dan Lett Wednesday morning. 160601 Wednesday, June 01, 2016

In what’s becoming a Christmas tradition at the Assembly of First Nations, gleeful staff all received personalized memorandums of understanding from National Chief Perry Bellegarde.

The MOUs were handed out at the annual holiday party on Friday in Ottawa.

“Whereas, the National Chief wishes you a very Perry Christmas,” read one such MOU, given to policy analyst Janice Starr–along with a chocolate orange and Tim Horton’s gift card.

“And whereas, we also wish you a very fruitful New Year.”

A spokesperson from the AFN said that the federal government also got into the action.

Bellegarde, the heads of the Métis National Council and Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami were also the recipients of a Holiday Framework Agreement sent by Indigenous-Crown Relations Minister Carolyn Bennett.