Anishinaabe man hoping to beat last season’s ten NHL playoff whiskers

The NHL playoffs have only just begun but a man from the Meeshigon First Nation in Manitoba is already planning to grow even more playoff whiskers than last season, when he grew nearly ten.

“Yeah it’s gonna be epic,” Dennis Dumas, 38, told reporters. “I’m pretty confident I can get at least a baker’s dozen worth of whiskers on my chin this year.”

Although First Nations men are not known for their beard-growing abilities, it doesn’t stop many from trying to grow facial hair during the NHL playoffs, which take place each spring.

Related story: Hundreds of wispy whiskered Indigenous men pull out of Movember, calling it ‘unworkable’

In 1987, a Cree man from the Big Pine First Nation in northern Saskatchewan won bragging rights when he managed to grow a not-quite-complete-beard that was part goatee, part side-burn.
