Trains need at least 1000-km on each side of the tracks in order to operate safely: CN, CP, VIA

February 25, 2020

Canada’s rail companies are coming together to say they need a 1,000-kilometer buffer zone on each side of their tracks in order to operate safely.

The announcement comes just hours after Ontario police arrested Mohawks from Tyendinaga who had been camped near the rail line that goes through their territory, in support of the Wet’suwet’en.

“Yeah, no, I know it seems like we just want all the land,” said Petra Ladro, spokesperson for CN.

“But I assure you, this is simply about the safety of everyone.”

The proposed 1,000-km buffer zone applies especially near First Nation communities, the companies said, yet it somehow shrinks considerably when it cuts through farms and cities.

The federal government has yet to respond to the proposal but the country’s major oil companies are already saying hey, that sounds like a fantastic idea.