Walking Eagle News Weekend Update: Holiday Edition

From our illustrious weekend desk, here is the holiday edition of our roundup of the top stories making headlines in Indigenous country and beyond.

Walking Eagle News will return with all new stories on December 27.

New study finds ‘racists are massive a—-holes’
A team of researchers released a new study that suggests racists are massive a—holes. The report is the result of a three-year project that measured a—-holeism levels among racists and bigots in Canada. “There are a lot of a—-holes in this country but racists are clearly massive a—-holes,” said lead researcher Adam Duska.

AFN execs gift each other beaded bolo ties again this Christmas
For the third year in a row, members of the Assembly of First Nations Executive Committee got each other beaded bolo ties for Christmas. The 10-member committee broke out into laughter when they each realized they gave and received beaded bolo ties during their annual holiday feast.

Facebook friend request from former PM Harper unnerves Indigenous Peoples
Tens of thousands of Nations, Inuit and Métis say they’re a little unnerved by a Facebook friend request from former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. “We had a pretty difficult relationship during his tenure, so frankly I’m surprised he wants to be friends,” said thousands of Indigenous Peoples. A spokesperson from Facebook told Walking Eagle News that thousands had simply clicked “delete request.”