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‘My readers aren’t racist, they’re just intolerant assholes who long for a time when Indigenous Peoples were still invisible’: columnist

There’s far too many brown people on CBC’s flagship newscast, The National, and it’s causing confusion and near-chronic eye-rolling among non-Indigenous viewers, according to a column in The Globe & Mail.

John Doyle, The Globe’s television critic, made the comments in a scathing critique of The National this past week, claiming he’s heard from many of his readers.

“That doesn’t mean my readers are racist, far from it,” Doyle said. “They’re just intolerant assholes who long for a time when Indigenous Peoples were still invisible.”

Doyle also said that his readers ‘don’t feel they’re getting a definitive, authentic roundup of the important news of the day’ and that they would rather see the news presented as a group of elderly white males, sitting in a Tim Horton’s and complaining about the weather — just as God intended.