New 528-year-long video sheds light on confrontation between Indigenous Peoples, Canada

A new 528-year-old video has emerged that shows another angle of the conflict between Indigenous Peoples and Canada. The centuries-old video, shot from the perspective of Canada, conflicts with another video taken by Indigenous Peoples, which has since gone viral.

Now Canada, which has been vilified, is on the offensive and making media appearances on major network programs.

“See, what happened was that Europe was saying really nasty stuff to us so we just stood in front of Indigenous people here for like 5 centuries,” a tearful Canada told Canada AM on Thursday.

“Yeah, we were doing the tomahawk chop and ripping our shirts off and establishing residential schools—but we were really scared.”

Canada says it wishes the confrontation with Indigenous Peoples could have been avoided but doesn’t think it owes them an apology.

Despite allegations that Canada’s image is being cleansed by a PR firm hired by the oil and gas industry, many in the media are now backtracking on earlier statements they had made in support of Indigenous Peoples.