Hundreds of wispy whiskered Indigenous men pull out of Movember, calling it ‘unworkable’

Hundreds of Indigenous men held a press conference in Winnipeg today where they announced that they’re pulling out of Movember, calling the campaign ‘unworkable.’

Movember is a popular campaign that sees men grow mustaches during November to raise funds for cancer but many Indigenous men, who are virtually unable to grow facial hair, say it leaves them out.

“I tried, year after year, to grow a mustache and this is the best I could do,” said James Geesick, 34, pointing to the sparse, reedy whiskers dotting his upper lip.

“In my community I’m practically Tom Selleck, but it isn’t anywhere near enough.”

The group is demanding that the organizers of Movember start a new campaign called NeechVember though it’s unclear what could be grown in place of a mustache.