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Trudeau has hecklers sent to reconciliation gulag

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau dealt swiftly with several Indigenous hecklers who interrupted the Winnipeg stop of his cross country town hall tour, ordering them sent to reconciliation gulag.

“Guards, seize them,” Trudeau said, when several in the crowd went off script and asked about Indigenous child welfare, nation-to-nation relationships and resource development.

“We’ll soon teach them what reconciliation is all about, won’t we?”

Six people, including a Manitoba Grand Chief, were quickly rounded up and hurried outside the room and into waiting vehicles.

A government spokesperson said the hecklers will be released after intensive reconciliation reconditioning in a gulag located outside Ottawa. The reconciliation gulag, one of several constructed by the Liberals following the 2015 federal election, is reportedly where prisoners are forced to listen to Trudeau speeches all day while smiling contentedly.