Your uncle, cousins deliver stimulus package to area rez dogs
Your uncle and some of your cousins announced that they’ve reached a deal on a ‘pretty generous’ stimulus package for those rez dogs that live near the house. The stimulus…
Your uncle and some of your cousins announced that they’ve reached a deal on a ‘pretty generous’ stimulus package for those rez dogs that live near the house. The stimulus…
A rez dog from the Hollow Water First Nation in Manitoba is the latest to enter the race to be the Assembly of First Nations next National Chief. Cooch-Cooch, a…
Rez dogs have claimed responsibility for an attack that left four garbage bags completely destroyed. The attack took place Tuesday on the Hollow Lake First Nation in Manitoba. “Oh those…
A ground-breaking new channel will feature uninterrupted video of rez dogs, 24-hours a day, in their daily lives, the Aboriginal People’s Television Network (APTN) announced on Thursday. Network heads said…
From a pair of brave, fallen floorwalkers in Saskatchewan to the perils of Indian Status cards, it’s been a profoundly challenging year for Indigenous Peoples. Lucky for you, though, Walking…
A team of scientists are warning that rez dogs may be on the verge of forming a single, unified consciousness. Rez dogs, known for their craftiness and near-invincibility, are spread…
An enormous new leak of rez dog records — rivalling the Panama Papers in size and scope — is laying bare some of the food-hiding secrets of the nation’s rez…